Tuesday, September 22, 2015


What is it about these words that conjure such excitement? Is it the rich, the quick, or the fact that there is the opportunity for both? Just thinking about it makes my pulse quicken. So, if this is possible why is this not happening for more people? If all I have to do is just pick up the phone and attend a seminar on such a wonderful product, why are more people not insanely rich?

There are many infomercials available that offer training and all one has to do is register for a free seminar that will be coming to their area soon. After attending the seminar then participants will be well on their way to becoming rich individuals and will hold the elusive status of financially independent. I find it interesting that there is usually no mention of the free seminar being a pathway to offering pay services. There are lofty messages stated, and wonderful success stories touted that show what a great system it is and the potential results that can come from its successful use.

People who have attended the seminar praise the wealth of information that is offered and how after a short time after following the system they were well on their way to early retirement. They never really mention how much money they spent to acquire the knowledge, tools, website access, or any other extra that I am sure they had to pay for. They also usually fail to mention the fact that there could be monthly costs associated with any system and, of course, there will always need to be further education to continue the program’s success. Additionally, there is no mention of how much initial time was needed to ensure the system was working correctly and how long it took to get comfortable with everything.

I guess there are reasons for this. If one were to find out that the “free” system costs thousands of dollars in initial start-up and hundreds of dollars monthly, they might become turned off by the prospect. Furthermore, if they learned that the easy system was rather complicated, this too might sour them on the prospect. Now, if I am offering such a product would I want to sour people before they had a chance to come to my free initial information seminar? Honestly, after I already have them there, I am sure it would be easier to sway them to how great my product is and how the initial start-up will be returned many times over in no time.

So, why don’t you just attend one of my free seminars, give me your credit card number and I can share with you ways to make huge profits?

Oh, you have already caught onto my plan? I guess my work here is done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How Do You Know What Is The Right Thing To Do?

With all of the books, tapes, seminars, and lectures regarding money and finances, how does one decide what is best? First and foremost, it is important to formulate some goals regarding your money. These goals should encompass the long-term as well as the short-term. Are there kids to put through college? Is there mortgage to pay off? Is the Caribbean calling, or is it simply time to increase the amount put into retirement or savings? Yes, all of the books and tapes, etc. available might seem enticing, but if it is not in line with goals you have created, then it will just be a waste of money.

Time and time again it has been stated that goals should be many things. Among these, they should have the ability to be measured, be able to be achieved, and most importantly, the goals should be realistic. Another important fact regarding goals is that they should be written down somewhere. Writing them down, or just saving them somewhere, makes goals more concrete and allows the ability to review and update as needed.

After goals are established, and a path is created then if further research is desired books, tapes, seminars, and lectures can be scrutinized. Any information that can be obtained with little or no money is good as long as the information is coming from a reputable source. It would be wise to shy away from deals that promise any get rich quick scenario. Furthermore, some seminars might be free from the outset, but once there, it is found that money must be spent to find out the rest of the story. All of this will just come down to understanding the motives behind the products. Is it really to help you out or is it more to help their wallet?

Knowing the right thing to do comes down to knowing yourself and understanding your abilities and limitations. Limitations can be changed through educating oneself in the importance and power that money holds. Additionally there are many competent professionals available to answer questions and offer guidance.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Importance of Diligence with Personal Finances

There have been many articles written regarding getting personal finances under control. From putting money away every week to using the envelope system for bill payment to creating a budget there are many avenues that can be taken. One thing that does not seem to be stressed enough is why it is so important to get finances under control. Sure there are numerous ways to do it, but what is the point?

One of the main reasons to get finances under control boils down to the milestones that are reached in everyone’s’ life. If the money is not properly attended to then reaching such milestones could be delayed or not happen. Some of these milestones can include living away from the birth home, being able to go out and do things while attending college, and retiring at some point in the future.

Another reason to become disciplined with money has to do with the desire to purchase items of enjoyment. Some items are considered small-ticket purchases and these include buying electronics, entertainment systems, and dinners out. Other items can be considered big-ticket merchandise and include vacations, boats, or expensive cars. When making some purchases, this can be done using credit.

To obtain credit, many places will review the buyer’s credit history and look at their credit score. This score is a measure of the buyer’s credit worthiness and gives the seller a chance to look at the buyer’s past habits. If the buyer has been good with their money, paying bills on time and using credit wisely, the score will reflect this and show the seller that they are a good risk.

A final reason to become diligent with finances is simply for stress relief. When it is known where the money is coming from and where it is going then, plans can be made, and target dates can be set for goal achievement, whatever that may be. By understanding how much money there is and what areas will require payment then there will be a clear understanding of how much is left or not left. If it is found that more money is going out than coming in, this is a wake-up call that something needs to change. If nothing changes then, a hole will be dug from which it could be too deep to recover.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Could It Really Be This Easy?

So, there was this girl, and she was a dreamer. She lived a life full of wonder and never accepted things as she saw them. She questioned everything and everyone. Her imagination took her to far away places, and showed her that there was more to life than merely what she saw. She realized the power of her mind and its ability to make any and all of her dreams come true. All she needed to do was believe.

She realized when she talked to people that almost everyone had the same feelings. The problem was that they were afraid to show this, or they were told to stop being so childish. So, when she talked to everyone, she not only listened to what they were saying, but she also took in everything they didn’t say. Their eyes spoke volumes; their body whispered their longings. This helped her to truly see the people before her. With this insight she could give them the answers to their questions. They had questions about their business, questions about how to learn more, do more, and be more. She helped them.

There was still so much more though, the thoughts and ideas ran through her head 24/7 and she needed to do something about this. So she decided to write them down. She wrote about scenarios, people, places, events and anything else that struggled to come out. As she wrote, she remembered some of the people whom she had met. Some of them had the ideas but had a problem putting them on paper. She decided that she could let them use her words. She would write for them. She understood the message and ideas they wanted to convey, and she could give them her words to do it.

Some people wanted to use her words and let others know they were her words. Others wanted to use her words and not tell anyone that she wrote them. She was happy either way. It was not the fact that they were her words, it was the fact that they conveyed what they were supposed to convey to the right people. It was not about the messenger but the message. She helped them.

Then she remembered other people that she talked to. These people were more than willing to write the words themselves. They just needed more information to make it better. She knew she could help them too. She could look for them and give them the information that they desired to get their message across. She would talk with them and ask questions regarding how much and specifically what kind of information they were looking for. Because she was full of wonder and questioned everything, she had become very good at finding information. Whether she was sitting at a computer, wandering a library or asking people that she met, she could find the answer to whatever she was searching for. She helped them too.

She realized that beyond the people that she had already met, there were more people that she could help. So she decided to hang a shingle and let people know that she was available to help them. She knew that potential clients were everywhere and she needed a way to let them know about her. So, she joined Twitter, set up a Facebook Page, became LinkedIn, and created an About.Me page to let them know she was available for them and where they could find her.

Then she asked, “How can I help you?”